The question that is being circulated in the media recently is should gay/lesbian couples be allowed to enter in a legal marriage? The resounding answer has been or seems to be yes, at least from the general consensus. The fact that government believes it can define what a legal marriage should be is just ridiculous. How can you say that it should only be allowed to a man and a woman because its intention is for procreation.
I believe that if two people love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together that they should be allowed to, even by making it legal and going through the same legal process that straight couples go through. This is not a matter that the government should even be involved in, just because they choose to have different morals and they have power to enforce or change laws because they see this as a matter that infringes on their morals and because they're scared of change doesn't give them the right to interfere in peoples lives who choose a different lifestyle.
There's an article in Dailymail that writes about this Georgia Republican chairwoman and how she believes that if we make gay marriages legal it could lead to fake marriages by straight people just to receive government benefits, which is just ridiculous because people do that now to help get things like green cards, insurance and any number of other benefits that are granted to legal married couples and the government hasn't done anything to prevent these things from happening.
So I say to the government stay out of the lives of those that just want to be happy and show it like everyone else who is granted marriage. What gives you the right to judge?