In this article by Paul Begala, from The Daily Beast he writes about how Congressman Stephen Fincher proposed that states should randomly drug test those who receive govt support (welfare) to be tested in order to keep their benefits. What begala is saying is why should they be the only one's to have to be tested, why not also those who are in the positions that grant them these benefits like the congressman himself or for that matter other members of the senate or, the president himself.
He goes on to point out instances in which those in power have displayed themselves moments in which it would seem they are under the influence like, Gov. Rick Perry and his lapse of memory moment in the republican primaries and then follows this with the fact that he apparently had been on medication during that debate.
In my own opinion, I do believe in some instances it is something that should be implemented, like when you have repeated proof of someone taking advantage of the system to just simply obtain drugs or not provide for their family with the money they've been given. I can say this because I have myself had to apply for food stamps, and although in the past (and I mean years ago) I did smoke I haven't anymore so wouldn't have a problem taking a test myself, but I also never intended to take advantage. So, I agree with Paul on him saying that it shouldn't just be applied to those on welfare, we should also test those in the higher up positions, even those running major companies and the country.